Monday, April 5, 2010

I feel the earth move. . . . .

If you have been reading or hearing about the earthquake in Mexico yesterday and wondering if we felt it here the answer is we definitely did. The center was 60 kilometers south of Mexicali. As you can see on our map, that's not that far away from Yuma. We were playing in the weekly Sunday afternoon pool tournament at "Crazy Earl's", a bar in town, when things started rocking and rolling. We have experienced some earthquakes in past years in Yuma but this was the strongest one we have felt. It didn't take long for us to be standing out in the parking lot watching parked cars and light poles shake around. If you haven't been in an earthquake it is a very weird feeling for sure. We didn't incur any damage from it, nor was there any damage reported in Yuma, but I could tell it wouldn't have to get much stronger for some damage to start. There have been many aftershocks since the original event but they aren't as strong. We feel pretty good about our house during an earthquake, after all it goes through the same thing every time we pull it down the road. I only worry about the front jacks, but they can stand a lot of movement (such as being run in to by a reckless driver).

Otherwise there has been a mass exodus from the park. Only a handful of pool players left and very few scheduled activities. People will continue to leave throughout the month until only the ones that stay all year remain. Actually that's good news for us since now we can get to work on all the projects we brought with us but haven't had time to work on.

Even the desert blooms in the spring, including the cactus on our lot.