when it gets to hot in Texas. Go north of course, and that's where we are headed. Took off today for Ithaca, New York where we are going to attend the wedding of our friends, Bob and Kathy Temkow's, daughter. Why? you ask would we go all the way to New York for a wedding. Two words "Open Bar". Besides it's north of Texas, might as well go there, we've got to be somewhere. Made it to just this side of Little Rock, AR today.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
While Mom's away. . . . . .
Have had an interesting couple of weeks since getting back to Whitehouse. Last week Tonya started having trouble with her hip replacement. She couldn't put any weight on it without pain. Good thing we still had the scooter and were able to borrow a walker from Tim Gill, who recently had his hip replaced, so she could get around at all. We got her surgeon in LA to send us a prescription to get an x-ray but we couldn't see anything wrong and neither could our regular doctor who we were seeing for our semiannual checkups. He was going to get us in to see a local orthopedic surgeon but that night Tonya rolled over a different way, felt something pop, and when she got up could walk again. A miracle, or her hip just popped back in to place, or something else I am sure the doctors would have been baffled by. At any rate we were good to go to Carrie's the next day and keep Zack for a week while she went on vacation.
This is what Zack thought of me feeding him breakfast for the first time.
We stayed at Carrie's over the weekend, where I had a flu like illness for a couple of days, then brought Zack up to Whitehouse for the week. The first night here we went to Leah's Zumbatomics class for kids at the Y to watch her, Megan, and Paige. Zack loved it and was boogieing down to every song. So, the first night his parents aren't around it seems the Z'ster is out dancing at a CLUB until well past his bedtime. Whatever you do, don't tell mom!
Got the beat.
Megan and mom in matching Zumba pants.
Never missed a step.
Whew! I'm wore out.
The second day I took Zack up to the pool hall and introduced him to the "regulars" that are in there every day. I told him to remember these guys so that in about 12 years he can come back and win back his money that I have let them use temporarily. They all thought he was the E-trade baby. Otherwise he has been having fun playing with his cousins and hanging out with Nana and Papa, although for the last couple of days him and I have been mostly staying at Leah's since Nana has about the same flu I had at Carrie's. She will need to rest today and should be close to normal tomorrow, probably 100% by the time we head back to Carrie's on Saturday.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Made it to Whitehouse, TX. We have already invited ourselves over to Leah's house for supper a couple of nights and made some Doctor's appointments. Lots to do before heading to Pearland next week.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Be there today.
We are in no danger, stopped in Ranger. We stayed in Midland Sunday night and went out to eat with Jim and Nita Evans at a very nice Mexican restaurant. Will be in Whitehouse this afternoon.